Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Which path you should choose???

everybody have many path in their life..
its up to us to choose our own destiny..
sometimes we need to let go the best path
 to get the most better destiny in our life
even we need to sacrifice many things..
even we be forced to hurt someone feeling..
but we still know what we want
what is the best for our future...
let gone be by gone..
dont keep the bad and mad in ur mind..
for all my friends...
all the best!!


  1. kekiri mulut buaya.. kekanan mulu singa... depan mulut harimau.. belakan mulut jerung.. hahahahah

  2. halamakkk helas byk nyer mulut yg menanti ko...

  3. erm...kiri kanan depan belakang sudah..
    aku rase ko pilih sama ada bawah atau atas saja la helas..
    tu jer pilihan yg ada

  4. atas mulut naga... jln mati


  5. ko pergi library k faez? bukn k ko biasa gi sogo & berjaya time square.hehe. the answer for your question is another question.What do you seek in life?
