today, me, ida and helas go to bukit bintang..actually at the first we want to watch twistiest bingit audition..but we frustrated bcoz we thought the audition is for a bands but for individually..but we still watch it for a minute..then helas ask us to go around the area bcoz we bored at the audition..but me and ida still can eye wash (cuci mata) for a minute..hhehhee...then we enter to BB plaza, then Sungei wang... walking around and talk2..window shopping..then we decide to go to Times square...then we walking around there and widowing again until i buy my new sneakers..heheh...then ida bought her new outfit..helas do weird thing, fine a word sale then he stand at last word to make the word become SALEH...erm...interesting tired..after that we accompany helas go to Law Yat to buy his memory card..then walk again in law yat...tired again...oopsss...before we walking around,helas treat us breakfast at BB..thanks helas....after that, we decide to go to happening...and i cannot believe that helas sooo damn good in singing...and his head like want to explode bcoz he tried to reach the high amazing...really too singing and duet with helas...hahaha...then after karaoke, we go back to home....ots really fun today hangout with ida and helas the mental exploded person...hahahah...just imagine him like that...talkative person, funny and really sporting...thanks helas....
Saturday, October 17, 2009
trip with ida and helas...
today, me, ida and helas go to bukit bintang..actually at the first we want to watch twistiest bingit audition..but we frustrated bcoz we thought the audition is for a bands but for individually..but we still watch it for a minute..then helas ask us to go around the area bcoz we bored at the audition..but me and ida still can eye wash (cuci mata) for a minute..hhehhee...then we enter to BB plaza, then Sungei wang... walking around and talk2..window shopping..then we decide to go to Times square...then we walking around there and widowing again until i buy my new sneakers..heheh...then ida bought her new outfit..helas do weird thing, fine a word sale then he stand at last word to make the word become SALEH...erm...interesting tired..after that we accompany helas go to Law Yat to buy his memory card..then walk again in law yat...tired again...oopsss...before we walking around,helas treat us breakfast at BB..thanks helas....after that, we decide to go to happening...and i cannot believe that helas sooo damn good in singing...and his head like want to explode bcoz he tried to reach the high amazing...really too singing and duet with helas...hahaha...then after karaoke, we go back to home....ots really fun today hangout with ida and helas the mental exploded person...hahahah...just imagine him like that...talkative person, funny and really sporting...thanks helas....
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Last movie aku tgk, citer Surrogates..mengisahkan manusia zaman sekarang mggunakan teknologi robot mggantikan mereka utk bt pelbagai kerja seharian sehingga mereka melakukan apa saja tanpa perasaan dan hanya la kehendak semata-mata ..manusia sibuk mengejar impian, kononnya nak hidup dgn sempurna, terlalu obsess dgn kecanggihan teknologi sehingga mereka tidak sedar nilai kemanusian dalam diri mereka hilang…tp bile mereka sedar yg mereka seperti menjadi hamba teknologi, barula mereka nak kembali manjadi manusia sebenar…kasih sayang, perhatian, sifat kemanusian sume hilang…
Jadi selagi kite jd manusia, hargailah manusia disekeliling kite, sensitif terhadap perasaan org lain, jgn memikirkan diri sendiri je sehingga menghancurkan org lain…takut nanti kite jugak menyesal…baru nak sedar yg kite kehilangan sesuatu yg amat bernilai…….
Thursday, October 8, 2009
aLrEady GonE...
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
Even without fists held high, yeah
Never would have worked out right, yeah
We were never meant for do or die
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you now
I can't stop
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry
Started with a perfect kiss
Then we could feel the poison set in
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, Oooo, oh
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, yeah
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone…
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
takkan lupakan......
Sunday, July 12, 2009
baCk tO rEaLity..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
aku pun nak blk kampung
Monday, June 29, 2009
my nEw frEn...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Transformers 2
Monday, June 15, 2009
mlm minggu mlm ronggeng..(sabtu)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
kU ingin romancE...
What topic That i shOuld wriTe??
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Jawapan untuk teka teki 3 June 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
teka teki.....
Which path you should choose???
Saturday, May 30, 2009
pEnanTiaN satU pEnyeksAan..
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
journey to the museum..
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
LovE is in thE aiR
fLU fEveR..
hurmmm...i hate when i had a flu fever..
Friday, May 8, 2009
bEcaUsE yOu LovEd mE..& i LovE u tOo..
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful, baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through
Through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me, ooh, baby
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love, I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe, I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because
I was loved by you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You were always there for me, the tender wind that carried me
The light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Warning serupa tak payah
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
pertama kali..
tghari tu lepas lunch aku ngan wani cm biase pg sime darby nak bersolat..then nampak ade kempen derma darah kt situ..aku pun rase mcm nak buat tp dlm hati berdebar2..dup dap dup dap..
then aku pun mule la menyoal wani dgn bermacam2 soalan pasal derma darah ni sebab die ade pengalaman..
lepas solat tu memang tk sempat nak bt sebab dah lmbt masuk kelas..wani ckp die akan teman aku derma darah tu kalo kelas abis awal..
lepas je masuk kelas tk smpai stgh jam,kelas pun abis..aku pun dengan semangatnye pg blk sime darby tu utk menderma darah berbekalkan support yg diberi oleh wani dan budak2 lain..fuhhhh memang gabra abis la..
sampai sana kena register dulu la..pastu org tu check jenis darah dan sume prosedur dah lengkap,tibalah masenye aku pg ke medan mengeluarkan darah dari badan aku untuk di dermakan pada org2 yg memerlukan..
hishh....org2 yg ader kt situ memang hampeh la,tkder keje menakutkan org lak,membantutkan niat suci org jer..nurse sume ok jer,maksud aku yg jga kaunter dn yg derma darah tu sekali..ape daaa....
aku mintak wani duk sebelah aku,sebab aku takut sgt...then nurse pun bt la keje die..aku tk berani nak pandang jarum tu,dieorg ckp jarum nye besar..nurse tu pun sekali je cucuk jarum kt urat aku..nasib la sakit die sikit je..pastu aku pun mengepam darah keluar smpi packet tu penuh...huhuhu..pas dh siap,nurse cabut jarum dan suh aku rehat 10 minit... alhamdulillah aku tk rase ape2..aku ok jer..dah bgn tu nurse suh minum dan makan sikit untuk pulihkan keadaan badan kot..siap bg vitamin lg..
lepas derma darah tu aku rase seronok sgt dan kalo ader lg kempen ni aku nak derma darah aku lg..ala tak luak pun dan korang tk rugi pun di kira amal ibadah dan korang dapat membersihkan badan dan menyihatkan lg tubuh badan sbb darah baru akan di bina semula..
huhhuh...inila pengalaman aku yg bermakna dan aku pun tk sangka aku dpt mengatasi ketakutan nak menderma darah...
Saturday, April 25, 2009
bOok fAir...
Kt sana punye la ramai org dah mcm bas leng seng cosmo tiap2 pg tuh..hahaha.. naik lenguh jgk la kaki kiteorg ni berjalan..adoi..tujuan aku ke sna nak cari majalah pasal dunia IT je..utk asgment yg ntah merepek ape..
me wit idil..
afi wit idil...
me wit afi..
i spend about rm40 to buy all this magazines...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
kE'blur'an..kE'kecoh'an..kE'sengal'an..kE'hapy'an..kE'stress'an gEng ccns
what so ever pun.. thank you all my friend.. YOU ALL ROCKS..
3 teruna - tggu org duk dtg pinang dieorg...
kak rita tk lama lg nak jd ibu and i will be 'auntie'
ader ciri2 jd tokoh wanita ni..
tgk la tu bos kt belakang bce paper lg...