Tuesday, April 7, 2009

wHat HaPpEn tO mE ToDay...

today,i'm in not a good mood.. ermm, wonder why?? (sakit org perempuan kot) hehehe..
that's why i'm not talking a lot in the morning..
aku telan 2 biji pil panadol ____ untuk hilangkan sakit, tp lmbt sgt die nak bertindak..
like wants to go home and rest, but i decide to stay to attend the class..
mase tgh rehat tu, my classmate start doing and talking benda2 merepek and aku rase kepala otak aku berserabut..huhuhu..rase mcm tak leh terima guruan2 tu tp bukan tak leh terima 100%.. aku pun act je mcm terasa gak.. but my feeling really mixed up..
so, i decide to silent, and someone think he hurt my feeling and say sorry to me.. hehehe..
dont worry my friends i just need to calm my feeling.. i'm sorry to you too..

the truth is -----> i love all my classmate.. wlpun kdg2 ader org yg menyakitkan hati.. hahaha...

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